Club Survey What Can We Do Better?? We really want to hear your opinions. You will notice that we aren't asking for any identifying information. This is an anonymous survey!Full Disclosure: Your IP address will be captured automatically but even if I wanted to look it up, which I don't, it does not show me who you are. The most that it would show is your internet provider and the general area where your internet provider is located, not you. I know because I've looked up my own.We hope that you will be candid in your answers and comments. Only by doing so can we improve our club and make it more responsive to our member's needs and we want to do that! Membership (not required but we'd like to know if you're willing to share)Current club memberNot currently a member Age range*Under 2525 to 3535 to 50Over 50From here, it is just your opinions.What are we doing right?What are we doing wrong?Are dues reasonable or too expensive?Do we have too few events, too many events or just enough events?If you aren't attending the events, why not?How can we better communicate and engage you in the club activities?These are just a few examples. Please tell us anything and everything you can think of. We can't improve unless we know what we need to work on. Your comments:*SubmitReset Home